From Moscow to Kotelnich with BLOCK Motors

In the end of September authorized Mitsubishi dealer BLOCK Motors Company together with international motor club MITSUBISHI ASX visited Kotelnich during their expedition across Russia. One of sights they could not but visit was Kotel’nich branch of Vyatka Palaeontological museum.

From Moscow to Kotelnich with BLOCK Motors

That what the participants of the expiditions wrote about their trip: “…Thanks to museum employees we could see what was happening about 260 million years ago, in Permian age. We learned about big parareptiles that lived on territory where Kirov region is now. After excursion participants of expedition assisted by museum guide Natalia Spitsyna went to see the world-famous nature monument «Kotel’nich pareiasaurs locality»

There everyone could take part in improvised excavations like a real paleontologist. Kotel’nich became one of the most vivid impressions of this first expedition organized by the BLOCK Motors Company. ARKAN Company granted the expedition its special equipment to register autocade route via satellite. So those who weren’t able to take part in it, could follow it on-line via Internet, so later they can follow that route independently.”

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